The Film Trailer is an optic event both internally and externally. In this way, the poetic vision projected by the narrator inside and the brute ‘razzle dazzle’ camouflage on the outside combine to conceal, misinform, render ambiguous and open the observer to speculation and invention.

This project for a mobile cinema is sighted in the ideological triangle between cinema (projecting lens), camera (recording lens) and object (human eye lens).
1967 Bedford mobile cinema unit with Plaxton Panorama cab on a Bedford SB3 chassis.

2004 Screen Machine 2…

…seats 60.

2010 Artist Romana Schmalisch’s Mobile Cinema has travelled to Zurich, Moscow, Rome, Bucharest, Kaliningrad, Vilnius, Kaunas, Warsaw, Berlin Muzychi, Kiev, London, Paris and Yerevan: “It is a reconstruction of a film prop from Alexander Medvedkin’s film “The New Moscow” (1938): a projection and viewing table where an engineer on his journey to Moscow presents his designs and urban visions for the new city – a bizarre model that is somewhere between urban model, cinema, and plate camera.”

And what kind of seating?