Above, below, beside and in-between: optimising connectivity and minimising footprint = maximising opportunity.

Site researching.
We all recognise that you don’t need to engage in architecting by visiting the site. Heck, Google Maps can do that more immediately, no Visa or visas required. So Googling ‘WHAT_Belgrade Architecture’ we got this beautiful result:
Nothing Against Serbia. And then this:
After WW II Belgrade was a experimental ground for modern architecture. which I particularly like is untypically in a rather rural place called
Karaburma, a district of eastern Belgrade. It’s a residential tower and it was designed
by architect Rista Sekerinski in 1963. The building is also called “Toblerone-Building” (as the famous swiss chocolate).

Website = portfolio. Blog = process. Facebook = people? Okay… accelerate personal relations into Wedding Bels. The next WHAT_project 23xbel_ is a shift from Belgium to Belgrade.