179prs_The Games of Architecture: Photography

Photography is vital to our understanding of architecture. Whereas in the Renaissance, for example, we understood architecture through painting, today we understand architecture through the image that arrives to us via a camera lens, typically your smartphone. It is thus plausible that architecture is now only understood through the immediacy of the photographic image and that publication, not building, is the legitimate contemporary expression of architecture. Architecture is being wham, bam, instagrammed!

Dave Cowlard, who shot 012hil_Rooftop Nursery, set some of his 2nd year BFA students the task of reading Walter Benjamin’s essay ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’. David’s short film was made to help the student’s contextualise Benjamin’s life, his work and friendships and what it meant to be a cultural producer in Germany in the 1930s.



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