www.blablablarchitecture.comwww.blablablarchitecture2.comwww.whatarchitecture.comLisa, our work placement student from Stoke Newington School, demonstrated to the office how easy it is (for her 😉 to draw the Spotted Dog project using Minecraft, the game “about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create imaginative things.” Lisa, 15, with a little assistance from Maui, 11, worked together in real time such that each ‘player/builder/modeller’ was visible on the other’s monitor. Lisa built her model without conventional architectural 2D plan/section/elevational drawing info, using only our CGI and TinTin renders with which to eyeball proportions using a single Minecraft cubic ‘pixel’ as her base unit (in this way she’s following in the footsteps of da Vinci and Durer in their use of the human head in proportioning the human figure).

Architecture has yet to produce real-time multi-user drawing softwares so has something to learn from ‘multi-player’ games such as Minecraft. Asides from realtime collaborative building, Minecraft also features a 20minute day / night cycle such that one hour’s realtime gameplay equates to 3 Minecraft days. There are also various light settings… TBC

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