
What distinguishes an armchair from a mere chair is the support it provides for our arms. (Duh!) Yet we all recognise the occasions when these armrests have been redeployed as chairs themselves. When armrests become posterior perches for Instagramming. An armchair is frequently that seat of convenience when all other chairs have been taken. At such times the armchair for one transcends into an armsofa for three…

Given this scenario, WHAT_architecture proposes the armMmchairsofa™

The armmMmmchair™ is an armchair with exaggerated arms to accommodate all your family, most of your mates and enough ladeez to constitute a fantasy harem. For greater domestic versatility, the armMmchairsofa™ comes in various sizes:

  • 3 person armMmchairsofa™
  • 5 person armmMmmchairsofa™
  • 7 person armmmMmmmchairsofa™
  • 9  person armmmmMmmmmchairsofa™ and
  • 11 armmmmmMmmmmmchairsofa™ so your entire football team can now watch the game together!

It is up to you, the  buyer / ‘perchchaser’, to balance your social relations so that the armMmchairsofa™ does not topple! The Unfolding armMmchairsofa™ version can be compacted should you find yourself at home alone (again!) or over-estimate your own popularity. The armMmchairsofa™ by Tacchini deploys 3M Materials technology for non-flammable, durable and high visibility décor-ware….mmm!

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