213bla_WHAT IS: Radio Blablablarchitecture (SHOW 1)

Radio Blablablarchitecture is talking building. To design is to talk and to talk is to design. Yet the history of architecture has failed to recognised the value of speech as a legitimate means of architectural representation. The podcast ‘sketch’ below was made in-house by the team at WHAT_architecture for the Arts Council’s Modulations series on Resonance FM (104.4FM). The podcast is a little unpolshed: the humour a bit clunky, the attitude DIY punky. Yet the podcast attempts to capture ‘in sound’ the spirit of Radio Blablablarchitecture.

In order to talk architecture one must learn the language. So we will evidence the peculiarity of architects talking, in interviews, archi-lectures, conversations, as client presentations. Radio Blablablarchitecture will demonstrate that talking, and the literal sounding of architecture, has much to offer in comparison to the more recognised mediums of architectural expression: drawing, writing and building! Know what I am saying?


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